
Iran Attack on Israel
How to Pray Now

About the Iran Attack

Early in the morning of Sunday, April 14th, Iran carried out an unprecedented attack against Israel. Unlike the October 7th surprise attack by Hamas, this attack was not unexpected. We have been bracing for an attack from Iran for weeks, though few of us thought the attack would be direct.

Iran has acted as a terror state for years, but has previously carried out its aggressive acts against Israel through proxy terror armies including Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis.

This is the first time Iran is publicly showing its true face, with a direct attack launched at Israel from its own territory, using a mix of about 300 projectiles including drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. You can watch the full update on what happened here:

During the attack, most Israelis all over the country sheltered in safe spaces. In Jerusalem, we heard explosions as projectiles were intercepted above the Knesset, Temple Mount and all over the skyline.

Even in the midst of this terrifying attack, there is good news too. The IDF and many allies downed over 99% of the Iranian projectiles. We were encouraged to see the United States, the United Kingdom and even Jordan, take part in actively shielding Israel from the massive barrage.

A tense calm has now settled over the country. Israel will likely respond to this attack. This situation could devolve into a regional war. As we all wait to see what happens next, would you stand with us in prayer for Israel and the region?

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Here are some ways you can pray for Israel right now:

  • Wisdom for the government as they decide how to respond to the Iranian attack
  • Protection for all innocent life in Israel and the region
  • A long-term resolution to the evolving conflict and peace to return to the Middle East
  • The Local Body to be able to continue to act as the hands and feet of Yeshua to those affected by the ongoing war.
  • For our team and our families to be protected and for continued strength to impact lives in Israel with the love of Yeshua even in the midst of increasing uncertainty

Even as things become more difficult and uncertain, your support, prayers and unchanging heart for Israel are a source of deep encouragement. Thank you.

If you do want to give at this time, you can make a gift here.

If you'd like to give by check or Wire Transfer, please email [email protected] to get started.

Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. Your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law.

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