
Celebrating 5 years of Support and Collaboration in Israel

In February of 2015, we committed to become a global fellowship of biblically grounded believers who bless the inhabitants of Israel and the Jewish community around the world.

Five years of FIRM means 60 months of growing, networking, encouraging and uniting the believers in the land of Israel.

Five years of FIRM equals 260 weeks of fellowship and collaboration in Jerusalem and with partners all across the country.

A note from our founders:

For the past five years FIRM has been connecting trailblazing churches and organizations from around the world with amazing Israeli partners – ministries that are shaping the Body of Messiah in Israel today. What an honor it has been to serve as a bridge in these fruitful relationships!

Looking ahead, we are ready and excited for the next five years, and decades to come! We will continue investing in FIRM Member Ministries in Israel, to see them grow better together, while striving for excellence in everything we do.” Wayne and Ann Hilsden, Co-Founders of FIRM

What we’ve been up to…

In its fifth year of operation FIRM once again hosted the Jerusalem Encounter conference, led five tours, and organized dozens of connect meetings and worship events. Six new ministries joined as FIRM Members.

We also hosted eight collaborative events in different regions of Israel for all our existing members. Our FIRM staff in Jerusalem was strengthened by an internship program we started for students.

At FIRM we are committed to pursuing the highest quality in our work and relationships. By celebrating these five years, we celebrate the goodness of God and His faithful plans for Israel and the nations.

We invite you to celebrate this anniversary with us!

Here are FIVE ways how you can be a blessing to Israel this month and beyond:

  1. Spend 5 minutes a day praying for Israel and the believers in the land. Whether you are waiting for a bus, at the dentist or for your dinner to heat up, take a moment to pray for and bless Israel. We made a “How to Pray for Israel” FREE PDF Guide just for you: Download Here!
  2. Pick 5 Israel-based ministries to pray for this month. FIRM has now over 60 Member Ministries that we endorse, encourage and support. Choose a few to bless in particular at the beginning of Shabbat – Friday evening.
  3. Consider setting aside 5% of your income this month to bless Israel. You can support the work of FIRM itself or you can give directly to our Member Ministries.
  4. Tell 5 people about why you care about Israel. Have you been to Israel? Have you been reading about Israel? It’s an exciting place, isn’t it? Enthusiasm gets multiplied when it’s shared with others. We would love for you to join our community on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter!
  5. Browse our website and get inspired by 5 articles that catch your eye. Whether you’re interested in ministry highlights, spiritual growth or learning Hebrew – we have so many resources for you to choose from!

What if blessing Israel could bless your family? Find out how for this family it did!

Estera Wieja is a journalist, book author and public speaker, focused on the topics of Israel, Jewish history, and Judeo-Christian culture. Born and raised in Poland, Estera is a regular contributor to "Our Inspirations" magazine in Poland. She holds a bachelor's degree in Communications and Media from Azusa Pacific University (California, USA), and a master's degree in Journalism from University of Warsaw, Poland. Estera has lived in Jerusalem, Israel for several years before joining the staff at FIRM in 2018.
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