
The 100% Model

to Ministry Partners

Our innovative funding model is designed to inspire a movement of generosity towards Gospel-centered ministries in Israel. Here is our radical promise:

100% of your gift will help transform lives in Israel with the love of Jesus through local Ministry Partners.

How does FIRM fund its operational costs?

The success of our public donor 100% Model is dependent on our Legacy Team partners investing in FIRM operations.

These partners are some of our most dedicated — they understand the complexity of our mission and enable FIRM to scale our operations while continuing to invest 100% of public donations into ministry projects impacting people in Israel. 

More than just financial support, the Legacy Team are also some of our most trusted advisors, our most visionary partners, and our most outspoken champions.

The FIRM Legacy Team is a group of generous and visionary leaders, churches and foundations that are committed to investing into FIRM with a multi-year commitment.

To learn more email [email protected]

A few Legacy Partners

Jewish Voice Ministries International
Gateway Church
Newspring Church
Church of the Highlands
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